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DIA Switches To Prime Time!

DIA 2020 switches to Prime Time!

In the last few weeks, more and more of our visitors told us that they cannot come to Amsterdam; because of corporate travel restrictions, or because travelling from their country is not encouraged, or because they have to go in quarantine when they arrive in The Netherlands or after they’ve returned home. And most probably this will only increase.
By popular request we therefore decided to launch DIA Prime Time; the first online edition of DIA. DIA Prime Time will replace DIA Amsterdam 2020. DIA Prime Time will take place from Monday 30 November to Thursday 3 December; each day from 2 pm to 5 pm, in three different time zones.

As we have previously set a new standard for physical conferences on insurtech and innovation in insurance we are planning to do the same for the online edition.
Everyone who has been at a DIA event before knows a big part of the fun is discussing the event with the other guests – something that’s slightly more different if you attend DIA Prime Time.
That is why we are offering our online guests the chance to invite up to 4 colleagues to experience DIA Prime Time together; so that they can discuss the insurtechs that have presented their solutions and, above all, so they can make plans to accelerate the digital transformation and innovation within their own company.

Why you should definitely attend DIA Prime Time

12 hours across 4 days of inspirational industry innovations

  • An online conference that exceeds any type of webinar or online meeting you have seen before.
  • The world’s most impactful curated Show&Tell insurtechs.
  • Deep dive sessions and keynotes, all in entertaining formats.
  • Time, travel and cost efficiency.
  • Actionable: concrete solutions to start right away.

Plenty of networking possibilities

  • Interesting talks through match making.
  • Effective business networking: 1 on 1 online meetings that you can schedule yourself.
  • Loads of new valuable and inspiring contacts.



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What can you expect at DIA Prime Time


The exact agenda is still a surprise, but here’s a sneak preview:

  • Four Days of DIA. Each day from 2pm to 5pm. In different time zones.
  • 12 hours of stage time + networking time, divided over 4 days.
  • More keynote speakers from inside and outside the insurance industry.
  • Your Personal DIA: an agenda with the presentations you don’t want to miss so you can spend your time efficiently.
  • Interesting network meetings fitting your interests and schedule, and an actionable summary at the end of the week that will set you up for the future.
  • Possibility to invite up to 4 colleagues for free on your ticket. Register now!